With courtesy from https://clearyourhead.scot/
Daily life has certainly changed for all of us with post the coronavirus pandemic and at times it may feel worrying, lonely and uncertain thinking about the future. The stronger one feels mentally, the more one will feel in control. Do have a look at this handy guide from The Scottish Association for Mental Health. Experiencing less stress in just 60 seconds, that is something we could all benefit from.
Making time to relax and have fun is important to help beat stress. Creative Scotland has a wonderful list of events that you can watch, listen to or join in with virtually. Whether it’s taking part in an art class or listening to chamber orchestra music, or catching up on what’s on at the cinema, there is something here for everyone. Otherwise you could perhaps try a bit of gardening, DIY or even a simple card game.
Be kind to yourself and don’t strive too hard with an idea if you recognise that you are struggling with your emotions or if anything isn’t working for you right now. You can always try again another day.
There is other support available too. NHS inform has advice on different aspects of your emotional health, like dealing with low moods, anger, fear and stress. Any time that you start to feel overwhelmed, it is important to acknowledge your feelings and speak to someone you trust. That could be a friend, a family member or your GP. Or you may find it easier to call a helpline like NHS24 (shortcode 111), Breathing Space (0800 83 85 87) or the Samaritans (116 123) or text Shout’s 24/7 crisis text service on 85258.